A Quote to Live By

Something that Dumbledore said was, “We must all face the choice between what is right, and what is easy.”. To me this quote means that instead of choosing the easiest route, choose the route that is best for you and everyone else. This relates to me as I am quite lazy with most of my homework. This is usually in the form of procrastination which, while very easy at first, will slowly pile up and become much harder. I’ve been making an effort to stop procrastinating but it is difficult to break habits. Also, sometimes(not very often) when I have to draw something, I don’t put in the most effort but this is usually only when I have other things to do.

My Idol in Life

My idol in life is my father. My first reason is he is able to make friends with almost anybody he meets. Whenever we go somewhere in public, he is always able to make very good friends with everyone around us and have a good time. My second reason is he is very good a cooking food. Whenever we have a lot of random stuff in the fridge, he is always able to cook it into something delicious. These things could be burgers, pastas, or tacos but all of them are delicious. I would definitely want to be able to make delicious food without a recipe. My third reason is that he is always ok with a challenge. Whenever he plays a game, he usually puts it on max or close to max difficulty. I actually feel this has already passed over to me because I also choose a harder difficulty, but not nearly as high as he puts it. These are the reasons I look up to my dad.

Rad Reading – December

Ok, I was a just a little late to this. Anyway…

I decided to read Refugee by Alan Gratz. Refugee is a historical fiction novel that follows the journeys of Josef, a Jew during World War Two, Isabel a Cuban during Castro’s rule, and Mahmoud, a Syrian during the Syrian war which as far as I’m aware, is still happening. All of these characters are trying to escape to somewhere with their family, whether that place be Cuba, Miami, or Germany.

I really enjoyed Refugee as you could feel the character’s emotions very clearly, which is something Alan Gratz is very good at. Also, each character’s story connects with the other in some way without feeling too intrusive. I over all think Refugee is just good at letting you truly be with the book.

My favorite character is Josef as he is selfless. This trait can be proven with the text, “‘I don’t have time for games’ he world tell me. ‘I’m a man now’ And when those soldiers said one of us could go free and the other would be taken to a concentration camp, Josef said, ‘Take me.’”. This proves Josef is selfless as he lets the Nazis take him so his sister could be safe.

My favorite quote from Refugee is, “I see if now, Chabela. All of it. The past, the present, the future. All my life, I kept waiting for things to get better. For the bright promise of manana. But a funny thing happened while I was waiting for the world to change, Chabela: It didn’t. Because I didn’t change it. I’m not going to make the same mistake twice.”. This is my favorite quote as I feel that sometime we wait and wait for other people to make things better but never do anything ourselves.


This year, I want to be more determined. My first reason is so i can get my homework done. Because I’m quite lazy, I sometimes procrastinate on my homework or “at home assignments” (there is a difference) and wait until the last minute and they turn out a little sloppy. What I could do if I was determined is just get the homework over with and not have to rush it in half a day. Another reason I want to be determined is so I can actually start learning more code. I’ve always wanted to learn how to code, but have always forgotten or pushed it to a later date to actually do anything. If I’m determined, I can just stick to a plan and learn to code much more quickly, not wait for later. My third reason is that sometimes I’m very afraid to fail. It’s ok to have the fear to fail, but you will never know until you try. Sometimes I’m so afraid to fail that I just don’t do what I think I might fail. If I’m determined, i can push back that fear of failure and just do what I want to do.