A Perfect Day Would Be…

If I could have the perfect day it would be all about playing with friends online. First of all, there would be NO school and all my friends could play (so probably the weekend). Secondly, me and my friends could play ANY game, even if we don’t have the platform for it. Some of these games might be Apex Legends, Fortnite, or Roblox. I could also have any snacks or food I want while playing, stuff like Cheez-its, mochi, soda, and Sour Patch Kids. On this perfect day, me and my friends could play so many games and have so much fun!

If Any Age I Could Be, What Would It Be?

If I could be any age I would be twenty-one. I would be twenty-one because I would have the privileges of an adult and taken into consideration. When you’re a kid You are usually not seen as someone mature and are not taken seriously. Also when I’m twenty-one, I can have an able body still in a prime age. Even though I will be an adult, I will still be good at many physical and mental activities. Another thing as that I could work a job and make my own money. Because it’s my own money i could have virtually full ownership of my stuff.

When I Got Penny

Ever since i was young I’ve wanted a cat. This dream came true during the summer of 2020 when me and my dad went to the animal shelter to finally get a cat. When we got there the we asked to see the cats without fleas and we had two options for our cat; a tuxedo and a tortoiseshell. When my dad and I went to see the tuxedo, she was very hyper and full of energy but we were looking for a more relaxed cat. When we met the tortoiseshell who had the shelter name of Peach, she was incredibly relaxed and sat on our lap quietly and fell asleep. We ended up choosing Peach as she was the much more relaxed and exactly the type of cat we were looking for. When my dad brought her home we both noticed that she had a mark on here side that looked like a penny so we renamed her to Penny and, that is when i got Penny.

Penny over three years later

Rad Reading – September

In September I read Hatchet by Gary Paulsen. Hatchet is a book about a boy named Brian Robeson who was flying in a small bushplane to visit his father during the summer but, while flying over the Canadian wilderness, the pilot suffers a heart attack and knocks the plane of course. After the plane ran out of gas and Brian made an emergency landing into a lake, he is stuck in the Canadian forests, all alone, with only a hatchet.

One of the reasons i loved Hatchet is how it’s really good at capturing the struggle Brian goes through surviving in the wilderness. Gary Paulsen also does an amazing job at letting you visualize the environment in your head as you read through the book.

I really liked Brians character as he gradually became more independent as the book went on. My favorite character trait that Brian developed in the book was being observant. A quote from the book to support this is, “But this time, when the bird flew, something caught his eye and it was the secret key”. This proves Brian is observant as he noticed how he could see the fool birds.

My favorite quote from Hatchet is, “Brian had gained immensely in his ability to observe what was happening and react to it; that would last with him all his life”. This is my favorite quote as it shows how much the wilderness changed Brian when he was there.