The Mystery Forest

Ted the bear was not much different from all of the other brown bear cubs. He lived in a cave with his mama and papa, and he really liked honey but not the bees that came with it. While he was walking to bear school to learn bear things, he saw a small river that he hadn’t seen before. It glistened with a wonderful blue he had never seen before, and all of the grass around it was a beautiful, lush green. There was even oak that towered above all the other trees. How had he not noticed this before? He turned around to Chubbs about it, there was only the forest and the gentle splash of the shallow stream. The thick woods seemed to fade away on the path to the river. Ted padded over to the river and as he stepped into the shallows, he felt the cool water and the soft mud. As he was thinking about how this could have possibly appeared, the river suddenly swept him off the ground and hurled him downstream! He was pushed along by the sudden rapids until he arrived at a still part of the river. When he splashed down, several ripples spread across the glassy surface of the water and then he saw it. There was another bear and it kind of looked like him! He started to approach the bear and it started forward away. When he backed away the bear backed away. It was almost like a mirror. Ted started to move forward again and instead of moving forward again, the other bear just tilted it’s head. After a what was probably seconds but felt like day, the other bear moved forward and after being dragged over here by the river, it wouldn’t hurt to make a new friend, so they played and frolicked until the day’s end.

Three Things I’m Thankful For

There are three things I’m most thankful for. Firstly, I’m thankful for my family. Luckily, most of my family is alive and healthy and live close by which I’m thankful for. Secondly, I’m thankful for having no disabilities. I’m very thankful for having no disabilities like a leg that will never recover or eyes that will no longer see. Thirdly, I’m thankful for having good food and a roof over my head. I’m thankful for this as there are many other people without food, water, or shelter.

If I Could Switch Places With…

If I could switch places with Mr. Beast, it would be incredible. In case you didn’t know, Mr. Beast is a YouTuber who hosts all this challenges either for other people or on himself. First of all, i would have lots of money. I could have a nice house and nice food, but the main reason I want money is for charity. Not only could I donate to charity to do it, but, like his most recent video, give food and water to people myself. My second reason is I could host pretty much any (legal) challenge I want. It would be cool to host a unique challenge and have prizes for the winners. My final reason is I would have a basically unlimited supply of chocolate. I could have as much chocolate as I wanted and give some to friends.

I Found A Genie’s Lamp!

Well, I didn’t actually find one but if I did, these would be my wishes. My first wish would be to have a gaming computer from the future. First of all, it would be amazing to be able to play games with super high graphics and/or a lot of mods without any lag. And although computer technology usually becomes outdated pretty fast, because this computer is from far into the future, it will be up to standards for a long time. My second wish is to become a wizard! it would be so cool to make a flame or sphere of ice appear at will, or to make crops grow super big super quickly. And if needed to get somewhere quickly, I could fly or teleport. If i need to get out of trouble I could open a pocket dimension or go invisible. My third and final wish is a bookmark that if you leave it in a book for a day, you would know everything in that book. Just think about it! If you needed to study for a test in a certain amount of time or just wanted to know everything about that book, you could just put the bookmark there and you would know everything in the book!

Rad Reading – October

This October I read Sweep by Jonathan Auxier. Sweep is a fiction novel that takes place in London around 1875, a time when many children would work in factories or sweep tight chimneys. The story follows the adventures of Nan Sparrow, a chimney climber herself, as she works for the clean sweep, Wilkie Crudd. When Nan miraculously escapes a chimney fire, the wad of char she had kept from her old sweep comes to life.

The book shows you how most people did not understand or even acknowledge the chimney climbers and how so many were injured, dead, and forgotten. It also shows friendship and seeing the world in different ways can be so wonderful.

My favorite character was Nan’s old sweep as although he was optimistic. The quote from the text, “The girl and her Sweep spent the rest of the afternoon looking through the doll’s eye—beholding the wonders all around them” shows how the sweep, though sick and poor, was always able to see the silver lining in the world.

My favorite quote from the book is, “Even the memory of Charlie, whose death at first blazed inside her, seemed now to have diminished to a kindling warmth.” This is my favorite quote as it shows how Nan was to be happy that that Charlie existed, instead of being sad he was gone. That is why it is my favorite quote.